Global Green University

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About the Global Green University

The Global Green University is an international network of third level educators interested in using their educational expertise, research skills and scientific knowledge for the benefit of humanity and the natural kingdom and for the advancement of the artistic, cultural and scientific genius of mankind.

The work of the GGU is a mixture of practical and visionary work. It is premised on the need for humanity to work out a way of grounding the most sublime and transpersonal vision which we can access at this time, yet in a way which can benefit and move forward the work of planetary transformation which is so urgently needed now.

Together we will ask, and try to answer, the following questions:

How can we heal the effects of mass industrialisation on the environment and comprehend how climate and environmental changes are likely to affect future global issues ?

How can we heal the fractured post September 11 world ?

How can we heal the fractured relationships between mankind, animals and nature ?

How can we heal the fractured relationships between and among men and women around gender and sexuality ?

How can we restore a true understanding of love on this planet ?

How can we heal the fractured relationships between different religions?

How can we heal the fractured relationship between the scientific, spiritual and artistic communities ?

How can we remain true to the greatest insights of past generations of educators and philosophers, from all faiths and cultures, yet at the same time develop new knowledge for a new millennium ?

How can we draw on the great scriptural traditions of past revelations, that have inspired higher education systems in previous epochs, yet develop a new transdisciplinary paradigms of knowledge that can present the combined collective wisdom of mankind in a way that present and coming generations ca access and find fruitful for their own lives ambitions ?

How can we heal the relationships between those with power and those with no power in our global society ?

How can we heal the fractured international relationships between the different countries, cultures and nations of the world ?

How can we develop new paradigms of power sharing in our complex global society that do not differentiate between "top nations" versus "poor nations" but that we can celebrate the various diverse gifts and contributions each culture makes to a unified global unified humanity, living at peace ?

How can we remodel and redefine traditional academic disciplines (history, geography, sociology, physics, chemistry, computer sciences, law, psychology, arts, theatre studies, literature, ecology, theology) in new ways that recognises their trans-disciplinarity, their permeability across conceptual horizons, and which allows new insights, new visions to break through into their sometimes ossified formulas, and allows a transpersonal dimension to vivify their older knowledge frameworks ?

How can we update the traditional discourses of liberational aspirations, be they of the inner-path of personal enlightenment associated with eastern spirituality, or the western path of social progress and emancipatory political discourse, and find a combination of inner and outer peace praxis that will help shape a new meaning to the concept of enlightenment-education ?

Asking all these questions is different to most academic Universities, since we put the search for enlightenment and peace, inner and outer, at the heart of our educational methodology.

At the same time we insist on academic excellence combined with visionary educational aspirations. We advocate rigorous intellectual standards, equivalent to the best conventional universities in the world, combined with a transdisciplinary openness to new thinking that is truly path breaking. Each student registered with us is expected to be doing path-breaking research that will help define their discipline for coming ages.

This website presents to the public (via subscription) some of the fruits of scholarship that senior personnel at the Global Green University have been undertaking since it was founded in the year 2000.

Each month more videos consisting of talks, seminars, interviews, and conferences tackling these complex global issues will be added to the site, available to subscribers, as well as detailed commentaries and courses given by lecturers and academic over recent years.

If you want to get involved either as a research student or as a faculty member with the work of the Global Green University, you are most welcome.

Subscription to this website is free for up to date registered research students of the GGU. At present the only degrees we offer are research degrees (MPhil / PhD). We normally require our registered students to have already attained a bachelors degree before being able to register with us. However if a candidate can demonstrate that their life experience and private studies have been of a sufficiently intense level of inquiry as to be equivalent to a undergraduate degree, we will also consider them for registration.

If you would like to register for an MPhil/PhD with the GGU then please contact us at or at our mailing address via the Contact button on this website.